The Gulf in War
Oil or strife, is it worth all these lives
Festering carnage, thriving flies
Who's to say the region is fine
The old cliche, it will take some time
Lets scroll back to August 90
Iraq in Turmoil, to Saddam's insanity
Economic sanctions to economy draining
Richness to want, from Kuwait's gaining
Over the border the Iraqi's spill
Fill their pockets, take their fill
No respect to those who fall
Under Saddam, they have a ball
How weak they are, hostages they take
Sweep aside all in their wake
Cowards they are, and prove to be
Working to Saddam's insanity
On the apron, there appears to be
An Airliner, British Sovereignty
As they disembark to the airport lounge
They let them speak, propaganda sound
Governments meet to discuss this crisis
OPEC panic, their oil prices
Battle groups, now summoned again
More despair, more bloody pain
In the Gulf are assembled so
Carrier groups, awaiting to go
F18's from the US of A
Load their bombs and have their say
British Tornado's, strafing troops
Falling dead in drunken stoops
Desert warfare for the Western World
Not seen since, Rommel's skill
Their training and will, are put to the test
Republican guard to be their best
Invasion set, mechanics roll
To free Kuwait, the Ultimate goal
Coalition troops start their advance
Iraqi conscripts, no hell of a chance
Encroaching armies, from the Western World
Mimicing Rommel, with his Desert skill
Driving the enemy from their plunder
To feel the wrath of organised thunder
Kuwaiti's Liberated, February 2001
A few months after it all began
Infidels wiped, from their floor
Infidels not here no more
Conscripts, possible Republican Guards
Down death highway in stolen cars
F18,s from the USA, soar above to have their say
Screeching down like hungry birds
This mile of carnage, will soon be heard
The plumes of death, rise to the sky
Iraqi families will wonder why
On this point it must be said
On Saddam's head, his Nationals dead
The clear up operation has just began
Burning Oil wells, cloudy towns
Choking fumes will last for months
Invading Kuwait, was not top trumps
Peace regained in Kuwait City
Where in fact it should always be
Biblical invasions of other races
Never thought i would view those places
Watching the news March 2003
I see Iraq on my TV
Discussions aplenty on WMD
Wait till tomorrow, and i will see
Tomorrow comes, and lo and behold
WMD, Weaponry - Middle East stranglehold
Chemical Scuds, conventional too
What will Saddam's madness do
Visions of - Gulf No 1
Burning wells under our lovely sun
OPEC panic, its not their day
Millions of guns back out to play
Armada's sailing, many ships
RFA's - make many trips
Tomahawk's, 2000 pounders
Shake the earth, humans thunder
Tommo's screech across the sky
Where they land, there's sure to die
The innocents will have their say
As Western Armament's have their play
Journalists report on the horrors of war
What the Hell are we fighting for
A barrel of Oil, a bucket of sand
Its not a reality i can understand
Coalition forces encroach on cities
Where Saddam's men showed no pity
These were his people, they should be alive
As all countries, should live and thrive
His previous demean, to his Children and men
Like gassed Basra, deathly den
Chemical Ali, on the order of he
Despicable happenings, in their own country
Baghdad, capital of mythical age
Bruised and battered by modern rage
Rockets and bullets falling like rain
Killing and maiming, screams of pain
BBC, Fox News - CNN
Reporting whats right, is it right for them
Troops a searching, for the reasons there their
Weapons of MAD, who actually cares
Hidden away in deserts of sand
Chemical weapons, poisonous glands
Scud launchers, with conventional heads
Israeli people, cant sleep in their beds
What gives Iraqis, some Arabs too
To do the things, we see they do
Is it scriptures past, transcribed through the years
Now on our doorsteps, forgotten fears
Through CIA Intelligence in 2002
Drew the path, US troops move through
Down the gun barrelled highway, enemies so few
Insurgents not many, taken out as they do
Abraham's spray, their bullets so fair
To take down the Guard, who should stop us there
Invasion in place, Marco Polo would say
Like Hannibal, they all have their day
Should they be here, in our country i say
Where will they be tomorrow, i can only pray
Depression, suppression of the Iraqi people
Call for the brave, no longer feeble
Statues down of their once ruler
No longer reigns, no population puller
Uday, Qusay the tyrants sons
No longer on power, now the weak ones
The search goes on to find their dad
In tunnels and bunkers below Baghdad
Operation Red Dawn, captured a want
His name Saddam, not worth the font
His reputation, now no longer a curse
This Iraqi nation, pray fully past their worse
Let me take you back to 45
Berlin fallen, families died
But proud Germans, despised their leaders
To write a new, gain worthy readers
Back to Iraq, as the forces cement
Sunni and Shia - Kurds will repent
Sadly not true, as markets ask
Suicide bombers, an impossible task
To police each person, on any given day
Won't stop their carnage as they like to play
Kalashnikov, Bullets and RPG
The currency of war, as countries will see
And to be truthfully honest, how do we repair
Stay at home watch TV, thank god I'm not there
The lines below are not errors by me
They are indeed tears, of the fallen you see
It beggars belief, to open ones eyes
As another race, just wants to despise
As History has shown, whether neighbour or friend
I doubt Human Race will ever buck the trend
We will continue to kill, maim do or die