School Days Sweethearts
This night I have had
This 7th November day
It's one of my best
I have to say
The occasion was
A birthday party
My son's girlfriend
A couple so hearty
Parents of this two
In tribute proud
On a Munro I would stand
And shout it out loud
Ann Marie, Murdo
Nicola and James
Proud parents we are
Of our sweetheart flames
To watch them grow up
Into the people they are
Bright lights in our lives
Our heavenly stars
To Leanne and Andrew
As I look back on this night
This November day
This world has done right
It has brought you together
As it has requested you be
No better couple has stood
In front of me
A few words from a proud parent to the
most wonderful couple, with all my heart
Golden and Gorgeous
Just over four years ago
A question was asked
Do we get a pet
And answer our ask
So we consulted the kids
As they gave us choices
For in our family
We listen to voices
A cat would be nice
But sadly not
As we have asthma in the family
So a cat was not sought
No bird or rabbit or even a fish
Was in the thoughts of our children's wish
One thought, that did spring to mind
A breed of dog of the most beautiful kind
They are small and cuddly
With different colours of coats
But the one we went for
And we forever dote
His name is Digger
Which is his Pedigree name
He is a Golden Cocker Spaniel
From dog show fame
Through good days and bad days
He is always happy and playing
Our most delightful pet
Who treats all days the same
The Career of Me
I used to be in the Royal Navy
Until I realised it was not for me
So I headed back up north
To the country where I love to be
I joined an automotive parts company
Moving to trucks and trailers alone
Then suddenly we were made redundant
At a young age into the unknown
But seek and ye shall find
It was in January 1981
When I joined a local tools company
Unemployment I had on the run
I have been with my present company
Golly! it's now over eighteen years
From Engineering to Aquaculture
An enjoyable move in my working career
My Week After Next
My week after next this is what I will do
Watching Glasgow Rangers in their teddy bear blue
Whilst into the evening the Soup beckons me
For writing I'll do, just wait and you'll read
When Monday arrives into the garden I'll go
To lay a black membrane to stop those weeds on the grow
Whilst stopping for lunch with son number three
I'm hoping and wishing he'll make it for me
The very next day it's really much of the same
I have to lay a shed floor, I hope I'm not doubled in pain
As I'm on holiday I can stay up later at night
To the Soup I'll comment, because it's only right
Wednesday I've reached and it's the back garden to do
Many meters to dig for a new lawn to come through
I have apples to pick, it's not the best season I've had
I blame the recent winter, because so many are bad
My weeks in the middle but tomorrow it's work
With a little wry smile and a tad of a quirk
It's Friday again and another weekend has arrived
For I'm crafty again, for another three days I've contrived
The very next week I'm on holiday again
I can admire my work without suffering more pain
For my work on the Soup will command these three days
A Brandy I'll have to help me work rest and play
From a Friend to an Angel
When you meet someone who brightens
The darkest of your days
Who cheers you up and turns you around
Because their lovely heart displayed
Their lovely heart displayed
Words of warmth and kind
Encouraging laughter and poetry
Now written from my mind
Written from my mind
Are poetic pieces shared
From an angel to a friend
For this special one who cared
This special one who cared
Will remain forever in my heart
We will only be thoughts away
One day our tomorrows will start
Then Fate Took It's Turn
My hero to me, was just a simple man
He was ill throughout his life, but he raised two sons
Two jobs he held down until he couldn't anymore
Then fate took it's turn, and turned his heart sore
First was the youngest, on a broken bottle he fell
His artery slashed, was the start of his hell
I recovered from my trauma, nearly losing my life
But my accident increased, his ill health into strife
Over the next two years he was hospitalised
His sons fostered out, in fatherless cries
To children's homes they went, from pillar to post
Yearning for the person, who loved them the most
He gradually recovered, we became a family again
Once again fate took it's turn, returning life's pain
On a Monday night back in nineteen sixty nine
What every parent dreads, returned him to ill health decline
His two boys excited, joining the local Boy's Brigade
Running as fast as they could, for time to be made
The older was faster, he ran well ahead
The younger lagging behind, his little legs so delayed
On turning the corner, all I could see
Was my older brother, running well ahead of me
Without looking left or right, onto the street he ran
A split second later, he was hit by a van
My life entered slow motion, whilst I witnessed it all
To see your brother knocked down, a sibling to fall
He was caught under the van and dragged down the street
At seven years old, too terrified to greet
Over the next six years, his heath gradually became worse
He was more in hospital, in illness immersed
That's why he is my hero, to my lost brother and me
He's the kind of man that I've turned out to be
He had no quality of life, but what he gave meant more
The love for his two boys all through his life's sores
Holding down two jobs through illness and strife
Admirable, that's just a word, he gave me my life