Re-found Visiting Qualicum Beach
We met a few years ago, then suddenly you were gone
We danced the very last dance to our favourite song
Happenings in our lives took control of our tomorrows
That evening when you walked away, filled my heart with sorrow
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When I heard the telephone ring, I answered and you were there
And we spoke of the past few years, these years we could have shared
The time flew by when we talked, sharing our pasts to date
When you said you'd like to meet up again, my heart just couldn't wait
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When I picked you up from the Airport, you hadn't changed at all
Six foot plus with sky blue eyes, still leaving me enthralled
We settled into our night for tomorrows journey we'll make
To a rented cottage so idyllically set, down by the lake
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The morning came so fast as we set of on our trip
Again going over the years, picturing like a movie clip
Our destination now reached, refreshed we head for a meal
At a restaurant overlooking the lake, our pasts begin to seal
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Back to the cottage we go, as you gently take my hand
So dreamy under the full moon, is this what fate had planned
You play our favourite song, the one we danced to so long ago
As you take me in your arms, something in me flows
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
We look into each others eyes as you ruffle my long blond hair
I see desire looking back from your manly sky blue stare
Slowly we discard our clothes as you lay me on the bed
Adventurous discovering hands declare our minds well read
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Our passion resonates, excitement fills the air
Years of catching up in delightful bodily share
We awaken in the morning, spooned within my reach
Our love has been reborn, re-found visiting Qualicum Beach
Coiled with Kisses
Coiled we are in bonding caress
Whilst our lips dance as we slowly undress
Cool summer breezes through our window caught
Your shapely frame has me internally sought
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Upon silken sheets our bodies grace
Your curved undulations I lovingly trace
We reciprocate in adventurous ways
Like waves on the ocean in sync we sway
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Our souls now entwined in rhythmic flow
As our passions generate in bodily glow
Touching, kissing, in blissful surrounds
Peachy blooms, so joyous abound
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Our hands now clasped as our hearts touch
To each other we release in sensuous clutch
We lie into each other and bless the moments we share
With gentle caresses we lovingly stare
Written after being inspired by Francine Robert's poem 'Your Lips'
In My Mind I Picture
In my mind I picture
As I dream of her voice
Delightfully soft and sexy
Internally I rejoice
In my mind I picture
Wearing black and red
Her ebony locks in drape
Sure does knock me dead
In my mind I picture
So curvaceous in delight
Skin so peachy toned
Delicious I sight
In my mind I picture
Holding her real close
Our lips softly touching
As our minds compose
In my mind I picture
This beautiful English rose
The more I sit and ponder
My yearning grows and grows
Loving Hearts
A kiss on the neck, a peck on the cheeks
You turn round to me and our lips sweetly meet
Our hands re-discover, yesterdays places
As our loving replays, our sensual graces
Our love will continue until one of us is gone
Until that day happens, our hearts will sing the same song
A Posting to Remember
We met during the war on this now famous sunny isle
Like a moth to a flame, was her infectious smile
I was in the Navy, stationed aboard an MTB
Keeping shipping lanes open, for the Mediterranean Fleet
Whilst the war years progressed you could sense the islands bravery
Heavily bombed and damaged, under threat of Axis slavery
Although we lived amidst, we could only marvel at their spirit and guile
They fought hard for their liberty on that famous sunny isle
I'll never forget the times, endured during this terrible war
Camaraderie became their strength, for what they had fought-en for
Simple life went on, amidst the cafes and the bars
My new found love from this famous sunny isle, became my married dove
We still recall the radio broadcast, declaring that war is over
As we headed back to my homeland, to Scotland and live in clover
The day that we embarked, many a tear fell from our eyes
Looking back at this famous sunny isle, under peaceful azure blue skies
Many a word we spoke, whilst we sailed to Southampton Port
Now demobbed, to a civilian, hopefully the war mongers are brought to court
Although the war years showed their horrors, respect was never far away
This famous sunny isle, wears the George Cross in deserved display
Heading home to Scotland, past fields in harvest bloom
This proud Royal Navy sailor, with his bride and he a groom
We cried as we passed the war torn, not only was it the famous sunny isle
For the war had been so expansive, in it's putrid inhuman vile
We settled on the West Coast, amidst the heather and the glens
Bringing up our boys, praying they'll never be fighting men
Many nights we stayed up, answering questions of our past
From that famous sunny isle, our true love would always last
Embracing my Heart
You entered my dreams once again
As you have done so many times before
Your touch becomes ever so real
Embracing my heart that's been sore
Every time you enter my dreams
You take me to places unknown
It's as if you know where to take me
Embracing my heart that just roams
When you entered my dreams this morning
It's as if you had always been there
A matter of time was all that I needed
Embracing my heart, because you care
Below Skies of Azure Blue
The setting was lovely and blissful, the company so divine
In a flowery meadow we sat, this girl soon to be mine
We talked and laughed and cried a little, under blue azure skies
Reflections so true, of two in love, looking into each others eyes
So many things we discussed, about our today and tomorrows
Ahead in life are trials we'll face, being elation and heartfelt sorrows
The one thing that absorbs us two, is the wanting to extend our hearts
Children so very much wanted, will cement our future start
Our moment warrants distraction, hush! as we listen to the sounds around
Nature resonates in abundance, in her beautiful tranquil grounds
The symphony of insects and birds, our choir on this day
Colours that curtain our presence, in graceful rainbow display
We lie looking at the sky, and the freedom of the birds
Who glide and soar their thermals of life, their liberty never earned
Whilst we lie in this flowery meadow, two souls so free to roam
Freedom is granted to us, on this planet that we call home
For the rest of the day we embraced, in silence and loving bliss
Sharing kisses and moments of touch, with no other I would wish
When the time came to leave, over our shoulders we looked around
For this was the day that our future started, amidst natures beautiful ground
It's many years later now, and our children are as free as can be
We all should live this way, and raise them in liberty
When Such Beauty is in View
Where do I start when such beauty is in view
From where I sit amidst cerulean blues
Behind she, my love, the breakers in crest
Caressing so soft, golden hues in zest
Where do I start when such beauty is in view
Locks so dark, tied back in style
Tanned shoulders radiant
Prolific profile, smile
Where do I start when such beauty is in view
Nape to her torso throws me a true
Pearls in beauty drape, adorn her soft skin
Allure my heart feels, blissful within
Where do I start when such beauty is in view
Against now cerulean skies
Breathtakingly, dressed amour
My love, seen through my eyes
Amidst Golden Gowns
Alone I sit in a dreamy state
Remembering last night whilst I contemplate
We sat down to dinner looking out across the bay
Playing footsie under the table in loving display
Scented candles wafted their presence aired
Street orbs left us shadowed at the table we shared
The evening breeze on this Autumn day past
Whimpers as it settles, stillness at last
We arise, we walk along historic harbour walls
Amidst golden gowns, only leaves are now in fall
Waves lap the shores whilst birds voice overhead
Blending into the darkness as we wonder what's being said
Every so often we would stop to share a kiss
Knowing we have our tomorrow's fills me with bliss
Remembering last night whilst I contemplate
Alone I sit in a dreamy state
Deep Dreamy Slumber
In deep dreamy slumber, she ~*~
amidst beautiful bouquets. *~*
scented petals, ambiance they ~*~
abound her beauty *~*
Under Kaapstad's Sun
my eyes in capture
her curved undulations
graced by Kaapstad's sun
invitingly she beckons
caressing hands lead to sighs
Through Translucent Droplets
Through my eyes I admire this figure who gracefully walks
Hour glass shaped, leaves my mind in imaged thoughts
Raindrops I picture running down her cheeks
To wipe them from her brow my desire gently seeks
The wind plays havoc, caressing her long dark hair
Umbrella caught in it's updraft, allowing a moment to stare
Slowly she walks towards me, my heart skipping beats
Seen through translucent droplets, soon our eyes will meet
Love notes in luring attract

giggles whilst sighs loom closer.
The bedroom mirror reveals,
when read, she went red.