The Clever Ape to the Horrible Human
I'm nothing special, just plain old me
Ancestors from my past came down from the tree
We scratched our knuckles and found that hurt
Scraping our skin through our neighbourhood dirt
As wise as I was at that young age
My skin bleeding, something needed to change
The fruit above caught my eye
As I unarched my back it made me sigh
Why had dad, not thought of this before
Than knuckling dirt on our neighbourhood floor
As I looked around and viewed our troop
They were all like me, not one did stoop
Is it a corner we've turned, and is it for the best
This standing up, the evolution test
For through the years we transformed and formed
Into a standing ape like human form
Was this a path for us to take
Or a misleading path and it's all a mistake
It's millions of years, later now
Why have we become what we are now
Our treatment of us, is oh so sad
What made us, turn out so bad
What will it take to be so sure
Maybe taking that stance on our neighbourhood floor
And why do I say what you read above
It's mans inhumanity to man, it sure ain't love
So what do we do to iron this out
I'm no Stephen Hawking's, but please give me a shout!
It's best to discuss this sitting under a tree
As we look up above, where we used to be
The Clever Ape - to the New World Man
Docking, negative atmosphere
Space trailers remove their ware
Leaden-ed forks
Unship cargo tares
Suited up
Suited for who?
Statues we are
Statues for who?
This Human Zoo rings a bell
The more we explore
The more we fell
Can we behave
Uninvited as we are
On the Sea of Tranquillity
Have we come to far
This Clever Ape - to the New World Man
Has he caught us up
Evolution scam
Are we so clever
We were never to be
That Ape, up the tree?

Dromaeosaurid Theropod Dinosaur
Bipedal, feathered
Carnivore, swift seizer, the

Even Elephants Dream
Mum and me
Below the skies
Strolling by
Above birds fly
Two orbs
Look down on us
Planetary worlds
Float without fuss
A tall tree
Lazily sways
As if to guide us
On our way
Distant clouds
Swirl around
Hold their charms
Without a sound
As we roam our lands
With no sight of man
Free from death
At the poachers hand

Seasons End, Seasons Return
The last of Autumn
Falls to the ground
Winter clouds
All around
Frost and snow
With a little sun
Is out of our window
For the months to come
Around winters corner
Spring appears
The cold left behind
A new living frontier
Warm thermals arrive
Summer in bloom
Our outlook changes
Seasonal perfume
This short write was sparked by Karen O'Leary's Haiku " frosty " ty.

On the Continents of Earth
Awesome sights are for view
Fashioned for years
Astound me and you
Himalayan pillars dominate the skyline
The Andes of Chile, fall into line
The Rockies so apt, craggy and peaked
Mont Blanc so majestic, virgin snow steeped
Ayers Rock so purple and tribal
They are testament to Earths survival
What she shows high, she also keeps deep
Mariana Trench where Continents meet
The Grand Canyon, Colorado's walls
The delightful cascade of Angel Falls
The plains of Africa, so vast and green
Where marvellous herds are there to be seen
These most grandiose of lands, as if they float on oceans of blue
Solid and rigid, with emotions like me and you
Weather cycles, show anger and calm
And our Ozone layer, their to embalm
Every morning, we open our eyes to observe
Just a thought, it's not just Humans we serve

Mantodea in Prayer like Grasp
In it's prayer like grasp
Incredible mandables
The praying mantis
Scaled relics of time
Ancient reptilian living fossils
The Alligator
Dancing Tree's
Majestic greenery,
Tree's dancing, musical wind;
Forestial in flow.
Fields of Barley and Rye
Like a patchwork quilt
Congregation of golden
Yellows and ochres
Freckly freckled face
Freckling facial features form
Featuring freckles
Eruption of Life
Rupture of her crust
Internal life exuding
Eruption emits

The Romance of Nature
With the back drop of the moon
Against the bright lit starry sky
A solitary tree stands silent
Let me tell you the reason why
Below its curled like branches
A couple, hold each other close
For it's in this romantic setting
That nature bows and knows
The grasses even whisper
As the winds whistle through
As if swaying to the tune of their hearts
If only the couple knew
The stars take turns to glisten
As the moon shines at different beats
Even the water ripples harmoniously
All around is natures treat
Diablo Rojo
Off the San Diego coast
In the California sun
Thriving in it's waters
Deters the Scuba divers fun
An invasion from the deep
In thousands they have come
These carnivorous tentacled invertebrates
In mass, their prey succumbs
Whats made this explosion happen
Of these predatory Jumbo Squids
Was it an underground earthquake
That's made them flip their lid
Is there another agenda
That us humans cannot see
Could there be something else that's bigger
That drives them, to you and me
Now this would make a story
Off the San Diego coast
A monster from the deep
Or a prehistoric ghost
Natural Paralysis
Lemon and reef sharks
Upside down, enter tonic
Await the New Ark
Centuries have passed
On this planet earth
Our ancestors were right
As they feared the worst
Gone are many
Never to return
Their habitats stolen
As we ignored their concern
Blue Whales, tigers
Giraffes so tall
Bird eating spiders
To humans, fall
In a clearing today
Year 2328
Whats left of earths zoo
As we sit here and wait
A planets been located
That will sustain us breathers
We look to our future
Earths lonely leavers
To start anew
Learn from our mistakes
Care and protect
For all of life's sake

The Siberian Striper
Manchurian beast
Majestically royal
Panthera tigris
Kayt Manninagh
A hunter so skilled
Tail less, from The Isle of Man
The lovely Manx cat
What Nature Doe's
Water gently ripples
Green grasses sway with the trees
The clouds dance above them
As the winds do as they please
Clouds take a break from dancing
As the sun filters through
Photosynthesis kicks in
And natures greens shine true
But all this can change in moments
As nature has her way
The above could be tomorrow
Different from yesterday
This is what makes her special
All these things she does
Makes us all feel different
Gracing each with a different buzz
To be blessed with tomorrow morning
From my window i will view
Look to the skies
And wonder what she'll do

Birds Across the Blue Divide
The blueing ocean
Separate eagle and dove
Spiritual birds
Roaring Rapids
Rapid gradient
Velocity, turbulence
Increased water flow
Living Forest
Evergreen trees proud
Like forest beacons they shine
Against ochred dead
Autumns Carpet
Leaves of different colours
Drift to the ground
Autumn's carpet
Reds, ochres and browns
For seasons they grace
An audience of life
To end their days
In decaying strife
Natures loss
Is natures gain
Their nutrients never wasted
Or their life in vain
Spring will return
And summer soon
Autumn's carpet
In leafy strewn
Photograph Shoot
The mist drifts
Over a greened meadow
Tree lined horizon
In shaded shadow
A perfect location
For this magazine shoot
With a stunning model
To nature i salute
My dark haired model
With sky blue eyes
Posed to perfection
Professional apply
Dressed in azure and pink
Gracing her jet black hair
Her pose delights
In momentary stare
Click, click the shutters
As they capture the scene
Natures beauty
The scenery and she