Queens of Noise
This is a piece about five rocking girls
At seventeen years old they rocked my world
I think I first heard of them in Sounds magazine
Five girls next door whom entered my scene
The cover of their Album just blew me away
These five American girls, music their say
Behind bars they were in delightful pose
At seventeen years old the love in me grows
This I had too purchase can't wait to get home
Needle to vinyl in groove rocking roam
All ten tracks played, time and time again
These "Queens of Noise" these five sure do reign
There was Lita, Cherie and Sandy West
No disrespect I liked Sandy the best
Then there was Jackie, and lastly Joan Jett
Five girls my heroes, rocking their set
Next thing I know they are playing "Live in Japan"
This I must buy, cost, 'I don't give a damn'
The glossy pictures melted my heart
Once again in the groove, the needle did start
Just my luck, the line up didn't last
New members arrived that left me aghast
But these things happen in Rock 'n' Roll
Knowing they existed, rocked my soul
I leave this short write to say my thanks yous
My favourite Sandy West, was too young to lose
To the original band including dear Sandy above
At seventeen years old, boy! was I so in love
My Girl and I
My desire is too stroke her neck
In my mind I shall not fret
To pull her heart strings
Too see what tune she so brings
Oh my fingers will trek
Against my waist she'll be so close
Her touch will excite me the most
As she brushes against me
High pitched I can be
Bodies together so in compose
As we play our audience roars
With me she continues to explore
Yes, she is my guitar
Making music we star
As we have done so many times before