Mediterranean Undressing
This rock of the brave
In the Mediterranean Sea
There is a Maltese Maiden
A lure for me
We will meet in it's Capital
Steeped in history
Valletta is it's name
But for tonight it's our chemistry
After a three hour flight
In Malta I land
To the hotel I am taken
Corinthia Marina so grand
I am now booked in
On my balcony I await
Looking over St George's Bay
For my Maltese date
I hear a knock at the door
As I open at ease
A beautiful sight I see
Has my blue eyes in please
A dark haired maiden
With skin so tanned
So beautifully dressed
Like a million grand
On the balcony we sit
With a vintage red wine
My heart is pounding
At her beauty so fine
I lay down my glass
In pursuit of a kiss
She responds like a magnet
Our lips now in bliss
I take her by the hand
My Maltese girl
My heart pounding
In an ever ending twirl
Into my arms I take her
In kissing embrace
Our hands now in wander
In undressing grace
We fall on the bed
Of silken sheets
Where our adventure begins
As our bodies meet
In carnal crave
We join as one
As we are shadow dancing
In the late evening sun
The depths of our love
As we share our potions
In arched sync
Rhythmic explosions
As we sigh and groan
At the moment we have shared
For tonight on this brave island
Our love has been declared
We awake in the morning
Entwined in each others arms
And our sensuous joys
Loving charms
We spend the day
Holding hands and kissing
With my Maltese Maiden
In many years, we'll be reminiscing
My Spaceship " New Horizons "
I remember one day
When I was young
To fly into space
As earths atmosphere's sprung
I have thought and thought
Of what it would be like
To build a spaceship
And finally take flight
Where would i start
And how would it look
Materials I would use
To be built by the book
Design is important
Although no drag would be there
A crew it would carry
To take us out there
Now let me think
Where do I start
Think like Noah
When he built the Ark
Strength is important
So it will be carbon fibre
With reinforced Aluminium
Lighter, but harder
When moulded and crafted
It will be delta winged
Fusion driven
This spaceship will bring
At Hypersonic speed
It's delta wings close
When it hits Mach 8
It's speed and elegance shows
It's mainframe computers
Will be IBM
Emblazoned on it's fuselage
The logo of them
My spaceship will carry
A crew of twelve
Disciples we will be
For out in space we will delve
How to build a spaceship
Thank you for reading the above
For it's journey will be
Earths futures peaceful white dove
My entry into Matt Caliri's contest " How to Build a Spaceship "
Live for Tomorrow
Her writes are touching
They bring tears to your eyes
You can sense her fears
From the woman inside
Through the eyes of another
Saying " the time has come "
To begin the climb
Towards the sun
The other side
Under the moonlit sky
Suicide " feelings of "
The questions, why?
Please forgive me
Today's the day
I'm finally free
No looking back for me, as I pray
It's now or never
Please remember me
My hidden thoughts
Will set me free
I have a dream
So far away
I believe its time
Don't cry when you say
I wonder, I remember
Life is to short
On reflection
The above I abort
On the wings of an angel
I will travel one day
But until that time
This lost soul will stay
Dear Lord
Is there a heaven?
A little precious angel says
My family, love and faith
Will see me through my days
Having read a poets poems yesterday, i wrote this using the titles
to her sad but heartfelt pieces
Meandering Rivers, Streams and Burns
Meandering rivers, streams and burns
Zig zagging, flowing in contour turns
Sparkling waters as pure as can be
Flow through the glens and down to the seas
Much life is found in these translucent waters
Species of fish, and delightful otters
Along these rivers, streams and burns
Grow many grasses, trees and ferns
Varieties of greens in wonderment bloom
A most beautiful sight is natures front room
Her seasons dictate, the rise and the fall
The pictures she paints, delightfully enthrals
These graceful rivers, streams and burns
Lured us to settle, for beside the seas we yearned
Villages turned into towns, and towns into cities
For the lure of these waters, some murky some pretty
For all around the world, the patterns the same
These are just a few, the Thames, Ness and the Seine
Look after all waters as they are all our concern
Our meandering rivers, streams and burns
" My entry into Brian's contest Flow, River, Flow "
Felis silvestris lybica
Are ancient domesticated cats from an Arabic land
Is it where they came from, as history understands
But this is not so, they lived and graced
For in Cyprus was found, a skeleton in place
Egypt was favourite, until that burial place was found
Interned with its master, on Mediterranean ground
They evolved from wildcats in Africa at large
Five self-domesticating, in evolutionary charge
So the cats you see today, came from them
All coloured so different, every single one a gem
My entry into Constance's " Cat Tails contest "
Natures Winter
Natures winter is upon us
It's her turn to bloom
With greys and whites
With impending consume
The decay of Autumn
Already lies on the ground
Rain, frost and snow
Will carpet our surround
For months she will grace us
In delight and despair
Scenery so amazing
Will leave us in stare
Floods and drifts
Will impede our way
The frosts hampering growth
In our business way
But this is all very natural
As she finds ways to compensate
Although her winter is genius
She will recreate
My entry into Laura's " Winter's Adornment " contest

If my writing is read, hopefully I have reached out and introduced me
Its an apprenticeship I am in, more learned I become
Browsing for information to add credence to my work
My portfolio of themes comes from inspiration of many
If I read a poets poem, their words can induce an idea
Its more than a hobby now, it's something i love
Scotland has to be Seen
In the countryside in bloom adorn
Beautiful scenery for all to see
The sun shines down, it's full of life
Different shades of different greens
Through the glens our trips begun
So many sights that have to be seen
Feel the passion of hearts so brave
This land called Alba, peacefully serene
The land of the Scots, is the best place in the world
Best place in the world, best place in the world
The land of the Scots, is the best place in the world
Best place in the world, best place in the world
So come and see our beauty hoard
So many sights for you to explore
Different vistas, makes us say
The land of the Scots, is the best place in the world
Best place in the world, best place in the world
The land of the Scots, is the best place in the world
Best place in the world, best place in the world
To live and die in the Highlands breeze
A world apart a different breed
We are the Scots, no in between
So please visit Alba, it has to be seen
The land of the Scots, is the best place in the world
Best place in the world, best place in the world
The land of the Scots, is the best place in the world
Best place in the world, best place in the world
My entry into John Heck's " BEATLEMANIA SING-ALONG contest "
please sing-along to the tune of Yellow Submarine
My Last Tour
My last tour of duty is finally near
To never see again this barren frontier
My heart beats wildly to be with my wife
To live tomorrow and beyond and get on with our lives
I dream of the airport as my plane touches down
To run into her arms in kissing drown
Rushing of home to continue our bliss
Thoughts of our love drives me to wish after wish
Our romantic want starts since many a night
Rose petals, candles and champagne delight
Silk sheets and oils to well into the morn
The delight of our union, in nine months our first born
To love and to cherish my wife forever
Our hearts as one, and never to sever
My entry into Laura's " A Romantic Longing " contest
To the Italian Poetess, from the Highlander
This Saturday morning
As I logged on to the Soup
A blog I read
Left me cock-a-hoop
Our Italian poetess
Has decided to stay
So we can read and comment
For many a day
In her writing
She has her own style
Some make people worry
But make many people smile
This Highlander can say
With a smile on his face
That this Italian poetess
Is back home, in her place
Through Hemispheric Skies
I look down on earth
From my orbit high
Peering through the clouds
Hemispheric skies
I see paradise
Continents five
Oceans of blues
Countries of many
Will start anew
Flags will fly
Join as one
My entry into Catie Lindsey's " What the Hex contest "
Nuts to the Skipper
There once was a skipper called Handy
With his girl crew became very randy.
In his strategic place,
One kick see his face,
He now sings soprano, just like Mandy.
My entry into Carolyn's " Sea Tale Limerick's "