Adorned in ink
Perfection of shape
No tattooist did blink
Etched on skin
Shoulders, thighs
A personal thing
By a steady hand
This human picture
Beautifully grand
Drawn in place
Artistically scribed
In it's female grace
Copy my link
As you will see why
No tattooist did blink

Will our Neighbourhoods ever be Safe Again
The day will come soon
As our safety ceases to exist
Mans determination
In his killing persists
Street crime is rising
To feed the life of drugs
Many people are afraid
Of these sick cowardly thugs
Society needs to change
Addressed by the powers that be
The ones that have been elected
In trust, by you and me
We need to change the rules
Prison sentences need to be revised
If your prepared to deal in drugs
Twenty years looks good in my eyes
Then it comes to murder
Where many citizens, they fall
But their killers are alive in prison
Their breathing, their living through it all
The world has so much compassion
It's time to channel it's feelings
No forgiveness for these scum
Execution, watch their feelings reeling
Compassion has to have passion
For the right to get rid of the wrong
And just maybe one day it will happen
As the whole world sings the same song
The chances of this happening
As they are sworn into government places
They stand proud to ask for our votes
Once elected, they appear to have two faces
Butterfly Thoughts
As i stare at the sky
Thinking thoughts
In this meadow of bloom
My life, what its taught
To be kind with respect
Any colour at all
Honour and obey
Our elders call
Walk with pride
With your head held high
We should all walk together
Lets give it a try
As i lie back in the meadow
Enjoying the sky
My Butterfly thoughts
As they flutter by

To be read and heard, Our Poets Words
Poetry is thought
Turned into words
Where many can read
Not many will have heard
But the spread of writes
Our poets words
Once someone has read
Then someone has heard
This poem is written
For the Poetry Soup pens
Our family of members
Every single one a gem
Read 2 b Read
The delight about poetry
Is that we all live and learn
And for our writes to be read
We all have to earn
And we learn by reading
Other poets writes
For its a learning curve
And strengthens our mights
Its not always possible
For our words to be graced
But its what it brought us
To be here in the first place
Employment and families
Take up much of our time
But if we read to be read
Our writing will climb
Inspiration is absorbed in many ways, many times it will lie dormant and like a moth to the flame, an attraction sparks ones imagination. I only know too well, as my mind appears to
have a few hard drives. May all your words flow, and your lives glow >> James..........
Her Posturing Curves
She arches naked
Her hair, rinsed in natures life
Posture, proud and pert
The Lady with the Lantern
On a rocky crop
Looking out to sea
A lady in waiting
In the hope she will see
Her true love
Has been away so long
Out at sea
Where the fishing is strong
The calm sea's
Indicate none
No horizon movement
For her loved one
Her dedication
On this rocky crop
Her love abounds
Which will never stop
Day after day
In hope
He returns
The Lady with the Lantern
Giants, our desire to build
Higher than before

We Are The Power
Look out your window
And what do you see
A land of beauty
And all in purpose is free
Conglomerates all over
They grind and they mine
Who tells them to take
What is yours so defined
Elections must change
For tomorrows today
As we are the people
And our thoughts you must say
Be in power
As we have granted you grace
But we are the power
To remove you of place
If you can't be upstanding
Especially, from where you came from
We will know you as weak
When you thought you were strong
For we are the people
Your bosses we are
If you do whats right
We will allow you to star?