Mother Nature's Revenge: First Stop Samoa (Cowritten with Carolyn Devonshire)
My Ring of Fire sets ready to erupt
For I, Mother Nature, have had enough
Of pollutants invading reservoirs
And oil-drilled coastlines, sands coated by tar
How thankful we are for this plentiful earth
Proceeds and profits boast our corporate worth
Our mistakes and errors in destructive ways
Mother Nature will repair in a matter of days
Sea creatures poisoned by hazardous waste
Trash left on beaches by people in haste
Sea oats destroyed as construction proceeds
Turtle hatchlings wandering toward man made beams
The land is aplenty with resources so fine
We can wash away the debris, reap when mined
Mercury, chemical and oils as well
Mother Nature will dilute as we continue to sell
Whales wash up and expire on ocean shores
Battleships litter the deepest sea floors
With thinning ozone, sea temperatures rise
Igniting rage in my volatile eyes
Another tanker runs aground of the Alaska coast
Insurance companies payout, our boards in toast
We can rely on our refineries and oil wells
For Mother Nature will replace and it will all be swell
Earthquakes, tsunamis are my weapons
Earth’s last days may be man’s time to reckon
We will reap the rewards as our conglomerates grow rich
Mother Nature will allow, our industrial snitch
Angry Earth
The power we now witness is only the start
An angry earth she is, her tectonic plates in depart
Seconds later they again meet with abrasive force
The reaction to the action is just a matter of course
Crustal deformation from the abyss of her deep
For she'll care not for, the thousands who will weep
Translucent displacement in furious rise
The energies are now released that will swamp victims cries
Substantial volumes gather at a tremendous rate
No care for our future or the disaster it will create
Whilst out at sea we can can't determine the size
For we will feel the anger as she forcefully applies
Sirens now sounded, on the horizon it's been sighted
Evacuation to the listening, the unheard will be blighted
As it now approaches the shore, wave shoaling compresses the wave
It's speed now slowed down, we now await what it craves
Like a silent assassin it's now ready to pounce
No prisoners it will take as it lands in thunderous trounce
Smashing and crashing as it collects in it's wake
No care for the living or it's material take
The gathering of debris amidst gas mains that erupt
Power lines and buildings feel her anger so abrupt
Losses of many are now caught up in this sadness
From she angry earth, or has she entered madness