Misty Meandering Rivers
In the misty glens of Scotland
Meandering rivers run
Below the blanket of the clouds
Where the moon becomes the sun
The darkened green shadows
Of the pines, the evergreens
As they silhouette the skyline
A beautiful Scottish scene
Shapes fly through the light
Bats and night time birds
The sounds of their conversations
Some of the best the night has shared
So when you come to Bonnie Scotland
View our misty meandering rivers
For this country of the Scots
And her nature, can sure deliver
Highlander so tall
Dwarfs warriors in battle
Brave heart of Scotland
From a Heather Laden Hill
From a heather laden hill
A Scots King looks down
The march of his armies
In their blood his enemy drown
His tartan clad warriors
The joining of the clans
MacDonald's, Fraser's and Stuart's
To every single man
With their claymores at the ready
Across the fields they charge
Five thousand Braveheart clansman
Patriotic hearts so large
They will never take our freedom
They will never take our lands
Whilst a Scotsman breathes
We will fight with our bare hands
They charge into their enemy
Bloodied fallen, strewn
As blood rains everywhere
Wars red monsoon
Many hours later
The sounds of dying men
Boy's among the still
Thought their time was then
On his heather laden hill
Our Scots King looks down
The march of his armies
His enemy in beaten drown
We have driven them from our lands
They will never darken our shores
For if they ever return
They will fear the Bravehearts roar
The Boy from Perthshire
Our Scots botanist
Coniferous evergreen
The Douglas fir tree
Scenery so awesome
Captured by seasons
Outstanding wildlife
Thrilling and pleasing
Land of lochs
Ancestors proud
Nation of Bravehearts
Rustic mountains
Through glaciations
Moulded this wonderful
Scottish Nation
Caledonian Forests
Covered our land
On our Western Islands
Golden beached sands
Glens and rivers
Cris cross our land
Glorious moors
Where the Highland Stag stands
Majestic and tall
Proud and might
This king of beasts
The most wonderful sight
Scenery to thrill
Heather-ed in purpled bloom
Look out any window
Its our own front room
Golden Eagles
Soar above these lands
Winged royalty
In their blue blooded strand
Our contribution to our modern world
Is all around us, read and learn
Logie Baird, with Television
Pedal Cycle, Kirkpatrick MacMillan
Medical marvel, Penicillin
In other Nations our touch has felt
Our Ancestors us, we Celts
For centuries we cast our nets
To further lands
We were always met
Friendly Scots in every way
Gave this world
A better say
America, Canada, New Zealand too
Us Scots are in me and you
Ancestral blood runs through our veins
The quite wonderful Scottish strain
Tartan and Pipes
Tradition and dress
A nations finesse
Symbolic in style
By a country mile
The drone of the pipes
Tartan clad
Bonnie on the girls
Proud on the lads
Highland dancers
In kilted skirts
Grooms at weddings
Kilt and dirk
But our Tartan and Pipes
Go back many years
Led soldiers into battles
See the enemy fear
After Culloden
Both were banned
A country naked
At the English hand
Our clans of many
In colours so grand
Woven by weavers
Our women's hands
All over the world
Scots are spread
Taking their Tartans
Of green, blue and red
Its a welcome reminder
To the kin of their past
Never forgotten
Designed to last
This plaid of cloth
History enriched
Scottish pride
In every stitch
And like our pipes
From centuries past
This Scottish of Scots
Are here to last
Blàr Chùil Lodair - The Battle Of Culloden
16th April 1746
The day a country ceased to exist
British Army, Hanoverian scum
Defeated our Jacobite's
Scotland is on the run
Our Tartans banished, bagpipes no more
To lead our troops, to frighten the foe
Cumberland's men hunt us down
In every village and every town
Massacred, slaughtered
Wiped from our earth
Erased from the country of our birth
2000 men died to fight for their right
Against the British Armies might
Cameron's MacDonald's and Fraser's slain
Many other Clans, population drained
The survivors facing Hanoverian bans
Led to
The Scattering of the Clans
The Clan Chiefs lands, vast and many
Asset stripped, taken by the enemy
Alleged traitors tried, treason their crime
As Hanoverian Scum, on our riches dine.
In the aftermath, many Scots left their shores
To distant lands to open new doors
Many writers on here
On their Ancestors scan
You may be here, because of
The Scattering Of The Clans
Country of the Clans and Glens
Scotland, rich in pride
Braw mountainous scenery
Stands proud and salutes
Saltire shares the wind
Tartan Highlanders kilted
Kingdom of the clans
When One Sits on the Moor
When one sits on the moor at this Culloden place
Where the Clans of the Tartan lay in deathly deface
On many a night through the following years
Families would gather, and continue their tears
If you listen carefully you can still hear their screams
Run through so young ending their freedom of dreams
When one sits on the moor at this Culloden place
Where a proud nation fell, nearly disappearing without trace
On many a night through the following years
From every nook and cranny we would rise again without fear
If you listen carefully you can still hear their screams
We are now a nation so proud, their tears to esteem
The Scattering of the Clans
America, in this modern age
Population so proud
On their ancestors heritage
But in the annuls of time
Not that long ago
To a new world they came
Immigrants so
They travelled far and wide
Some further than most
Open invitation from their American host
Many reasons
As they left their homes
Some directly
While many roamed
To America's shores
In their many ports
Protection by, their military forts
To the land of plenty
And the home of the free
Where many immigrants settled
New future, families
The Scots Americans
Now American Scots
Left their shores
From a country so fraught
To sail the Atlantic
And escape the wrath
To hone in on their freedom path
To wear their plaid
A tartan true
America, has pulled us through
Monster of the Ness
Southwest of Inverness
A stretch of water called " Loch Ness "
It runs along The Great Glen Fault
Freshwater deep, not a tinge of salt
But this legendary loch
Has a secret to share
In its murky depths
Is their a monsters lair?
St Columbus is believed to have seen
The traits of this monster, in its particular mean
The place where he stayed, the locals in mourn
A swimmer chased by this water born
Dragged to the deep of this peat stained loch
A family now mourn their loss
An aid of the Saint, on his masters so
Enters the loch, as he swims with the flow
Not long in, something chases his wake
His master rises and with a cross he makes
Go no further
Do not touch the man
Go back at once
From that lair you come
The beast recedes like natures tide
This Saintly man had him cast aside
In our modern world 1934
The monster again came to the fore
This time captured on film
Is it a her, or is it a him
All i can say is we leave it alone
Its the lochs monster so let it roam
If it does exist, its for natures bless
This awesome of beasts
Monster of the Ness
Hanoverian Fort George
This mighty Fort
Hanoverian built
To suppress the Scot's
Deter the kilt
This Star-fort design
One of Europe's best
Never attacked
No enemy zest
Strategically set
On the Moray Firth
This fort of forts
Hanoverian best
Near Inverness
Where Culloden was fought
The Jacobite's defeated
Our army now nought
So this fort you see
Curtailed the future me
To keep us in check
In case we rose again
To chase the English
From our Highland domain
Centuries later it stands to tell
The construction of, has lasted well
This fort of forts, from the link you can see
Why it suppressed many of me

Rugged, Rustic and Beautiful
In the country of the clans
Scenery abounds
Around our cities of old
And our villages and towns
Rugged and rustic
Greens, grays and browns
Adorn our countryside
They are natures gowns
Plants come alive
At the start of spring
New buds appear
Awaiting joys do they bring
In the summer sunshine
They burst into life
Colours so delightful
Radiant and rife
The autumn closes
No longer the colours parade
They are like scenes in a play
Their fading blooms, are summers last serenade
As the temperature falls
And the winter months settle in
We also enjoy it's beauty
Until the spring, springs again
In the country of the clans
In our mountains and glens
Natures seasons delight