His Final Letter
I now lie here alone, the wounded have joined the dead
Hours pass like years, my body, in shrapnel torn shreds
My duty, my love for my country, I can no longer give
Memories knowing I have lived, are now starting to sieve
Being so far away from my family, so far away from my home
Daylight like my life, allures me to a darkening roam
To my love I write this letter, my wife my lovely Serena
My words are all I have left, in this war torn theatre arena
Remember when I moved in next door, you were first to say hello
And the day when you asked me out, I was too scared to go
I know we were only eleven but something clicked that day
Into our teens we grew, knowing I'd marry you one day
The day of our wedding, was the happiest day of my life
For knowing my heart was true, when I asked you to be my wife
Thank you for being who you are, and what you made me to be
Never wanting me to enlist, to protect the land of the free
I'm seeing places of our past, the greens, our courting grounds
You playing with your lovely blonde hair, twirling it around
Serena, my love, my friend, thank you for being my wife
Tell our kids I love them dearly, thank you for being in my life
I'm growing ever weaker, as I write through redded stains
The darkening roam allures me, the light now starts to drain
~*~ Inspired by an image created by Serena Dunaway ~*~
Where now a Butterfly Sits
In innocent lie
Amidst the lightening dew
Poppies in mourning
She unknown, taken at will
Where now a butterfly sits
Another Kind of Man
To be intrusive to another's mind to taste what the hells going on
To be different from other men as they sing a different song
For this, this blind man seeks to be the seeker to see and scan
To go inside the mind of another, another kind of man
History has shown and reminded of the monsters that have been
This trait of human man, as each generations scene
What makes us be so different, to hurt whom we care and love
Is it some form of weakness we allure, against family loving doves
As I enter their minds even deeper, the appalling rise to view
Standing proud in their deathly mask, their hurting of others true
Rapists, serial killers and dictators, or even the family man
What possesses their power to indulge, that this blind man can't even scan
My thoughts go out to you all, who have suffered at the hands of man
Evolution is not the answer, to really be who they can
This blind man he said to me, if I look into you what will I find
My reply to him was simple, I'm just a different kind
Subconsciously I'm alive in this skeletal frame
Why I am here belongs to this living worlds fame
I was but a child, when it all happened years ago
At the place called the Ness, that stemmed my younger grow
Please look through my eyes and picture what I see
Live with me the feeling of what life is supposed to be
How fast can you run if you have a sibling chasing thee
Do you give into him, and be the weakling so dad can see
Being the faster allows the luxury, to look back and view
To be the one who's ahead as he turns his head askew
For he can no longer indulge, in front is where he's to be
To allow his younger brother to play catch up, oh we'll see
This moment is about to haunt me, it's scary for I shall know
No boo! can ever rival, that will stem our younger grow
As I sail the clouds of gone and retire to where I now live
I happen to come across another sibling who may be sieved
Looking down from the heavens as I trawl the unfortunate
Like a Praying Mantis in hope as we ready to deliver wait
Just at the moment of strike, I lure his head to see
My brothers son called Liam, is he who stares back at me