Commenter's, I Thank You
Now where does this Highlander start
To thank those commenter's, present and past
So many read and absorbed
Their kindness to me always lasts
Dr.Ram and Carol Brown
My African Queen 'Miss Wilma Neel's
Michael from New York City
Whose comments I internally feel
There's Andrea, the Utah babe
And Carolyn, from Florida State
Their writing I so enjoy
For their words reverberate
John Loving is such a wonderful guy
There's Sara and Doris too
Deb Radke and Sharon Ruebel our newbies
Made welcome to our literal zoo
P.D. Skat and Constance
Barbara, Iolanda and June
Francine from lovely Nanaimo
Many thanks to all of you
To Ruben, Celene and Raul
Your past writes have helped me grow
Along with so many others
You have helped my words to flow
Blimey! I better not miss out the Brits
Sarah, Brian, Sharon and June
And Anna Marie, away down in Wales
I have read in my front room
Many dudes I also have to thank
Harry Horsman the Geordie boy
The two Roberts, Dufresne and Hinshaw
Whose writings bring so much joy
There's also the bard called Peranteau
Billy the Kidster, Cecil as well
HG, Catie Lindsey and James Goff
Who marshalls his words real swell
And lastly there's the thousands of others
This character has ran out of space
Keep the ink in you pen gently flowing
Your names to me is your face
Golly! this is turning into a story
And many told by the above writing troops
As I marvel at your writing ingredients
Keep writing for this wonderful Soup
I Want to Know What Love Is
I heard the song and wanted to know what love is, so I turned to James
The Soup's king of romance knows it means more than just flirtatious games
Dedication absorbed with love, for to feel it for the very first time
The unification of two must gel like words in a poetry rhyme
This, James told me, and we explored the meaning much further
Many types of love, including a child and father
Family life is important, reciprocation leads the way
Whether blood, fostered or taken on, it's loves bond that says
We see an elderly couple walking hand-in-hand
This is but one type of love that many years withstands
For so many fall by the wayside, taking different forks on life's roads
Where a previously blossomed love has journeyed into destructs corrode
The deep affection felt for those whom we call our friends
Nestles deep within our hearts, a bond that never ends
This we must truly cherish in a world going from day to day
It does not matter where we come from, we are part of earths bouquet
Love knows no bounds and is shared with all humanity
One that respects each race and religion’s dignity
A Cowboy Is
The movements of others to far away lands
Drifted into American folklore, within histories hands
Fur trappers they started many centuries ago
In a country to become as the years truly flowed
Centennial by centennial, amidst wars between they
Slowly they emerged into cattle driven play
The vast expanses of prairies so green
Lured Barons of the beast to their riches they always dreamed
Herds in vast amounts recreating the Bison's exist
Where they eventually replaced in numbers, in numerous consist
The eventuality of the Iron Horse, opened these lands up even more
Sheridan, White Oaks even Tombstone, led to street filled open sores
The James Gang and William Bonney, are two that history has shown
No care for what they declared that the Wild West was their throne
The sad thing about the cowboy era, is in the scenery that was left behind
On many a prairie from their past, where greed has left them so blind
We have the opportunity to look back and rewind, for hindsight allows us to do
So many were never ever heroes, just what do we find in them so true
Just for a moment to the future, whilst countries in our time have been invaded
They are the modern Indigenous, like the past, the cowboys left degraded
The above are written from my heart, if you know me you will know me to be true
For if I was born to the Indigenous, to your ancestors, I'd stand in front of you
Canadian Chris
There's a guy on the Soup called Chris
Captain Hook or Peter Pan is his wish
Boy his Blogs are so good
By this Canadian dude
His information sure is the Biz
In the Onion Bag
Foot ball
Scored goal
My Life at Fourteen
I'm just fourteen years old, and a father I'll be
Around Christmas time, what a present for me
The excitment of puberty has now taken it's toll
I sit here lost in thoughts, a worried young soul
Responsibilities I now face to the challenges of life
Do I stand by my girlfriend, do I make her my wife
What if I can't cope, shunned by family and friends
To become another statistic, modern societies trend
I find myself very fortunate, I'm surrounded by kin
Whom their patience has been a blessing as I take it all in
My friends have rallied round, their support has been strong
It's having people like them, I'm fortunate to belong
December has come and gone, my daughters getting married
As I look back to fourteen and the trials that I carried
Many thoughts I had to ponder as I look back at my young life
The young girl whom bore my daughter, many years has been my wife
* Three-quarters of a million teens between 15 and 19 become pregnant each year in the USA *
For Gwendolen's *~* Mom, I'M PREGNANT! contest *~*
Pink Joy in Dedication to Ezzelle
Many congrats to Royal Trevino
And to Ezzelle, her new born bambino
She'll be so bonnie in pink
One day she'll make the boys wink
I toast with a Chardonnay vino
My Table of Three plus Me
A poetry convention is a wow
Our writes we endeavour to plough
We'll meet so many friends
To enhance writing trends
Our strengths are as thick as the bough
To my table I have decided to seat
Three ladies whom I'd so love to meet
They are favourites of mine
And they will be for some time
Their poetry to read is my treat
The first lady to seat is a gem
Her novels just shine from her pen
She's a New Jersey girl
Who makes my heart twirl
Her poetry flows 'tres bien'
The second lady to sit at my table
If given the chance, I'd surely enable
She's Maltese, she's Celene
A Mediterranean Queen
Her name would be beautifully labelled
The third lady who I now show to her chair
Her writing just makes me openly stare
It's oozes life's desire
It makes me aspire
Table Top Mountain, I wish I was there
The scissors are beaten by the rock
Man made steel has been left in shock
Now the rock has been beat
By a flimsy light sheet
The winning paper is where our words talk