My Princess to be Queen
Out there somewhere
Is the girl of my dreams
Golden haired lassie
My Princess to be Queen
My want for her
Cravings of nice
In splendor together
Gorge in our spice for life
To be passionate in love
Hearts in bond
White doves a flying
Over rippled ponds
Holding hands
Share a kiss
Fro-lick in public
Show our bliss
Naked together
As we spoon in the sun
Over her tanned body
My caring fingers run
To absorb our want
As our eyes share
Passionate embrace
In the warm summer air
For our bodies to flow
To share our streams
In a sexy clinch
We start our dreams
In response to the lovely poem by Janice Herzog
My Constant Desire "

Hair so blond
Brushed and stroked
By her Highland fond
Bikini clad girl
Skin so tanned
Scented oils
Massaged and manned
Bikini clad girl
In wanting touch
From her Highlander
She adores so much
Bikini clad girl
In loving pose
Her Eagle grows
For her garden Rose
Bikini clad girl
Join of their frames
Pouring of passion
Inside her rained
Bikini clad girl
Blushed in sync
Her Rose in bloom
The prettiest of pink
Bikini clad girl
So content in love
To the blue sky she looks
Her soaring Eagle above
The Wishes of Kisses
The Wishes of Kisses
I dreamt today
To hold my dove
As my heart now says
To embrace this girl
With open arms
To share with her
My hearty charms
To walk and talk
Hand in hand
Chatting, laughing
Feeling so grand
Talk of nature
History so
When i think of her
I internally glow
On a level par
Her mind and mine
Conversations will last
Eternal time
To share her thoughts
A learning class
To know out there
A dove, my lass
To end all nights
Face to face
To kiss her lips
For the above, i'm graced
The Captain and his Dove
The Highland Princess
Berthed again
Freshwater Loch
Beautiful Highland Glen
Tranquil pined hillside
Log cabin picturesque
Captain and his dove
Lovingly blessed
As winter sets in
Snow falls so deep
This two in the warmth
In cuddled keep
Roaring log fire
Birch logs a sparking
Face to face
Their hearts a starting
The Captain stands up
And asks for her hand
As he leads her to
A room so grand
Large window they stand
Over the loch they view
He turns to his dove
Declaring, i love you
His manly hands
Undress her so
Ih her heart she says
Undress me slow
His dove unfeathered
Hands running down her arms
Torso caressed
Her chesty charms
Heaven reached
His hand grooming
As he kisses his dove
Her heart cooing
Four poster bed
Their impressions are made
Moonlight through the window
Passions played
Delicious whispers
In the ear of his dove
As they spoon together
Like a hand in a glove
Together in dreams
Heart to heart
Their next journey
A new start

Back Seat Drivers
Movie seen
Driving home
Newly found couple
To be alone
River bank parked
Dead of night
His golden blond
Beautiful sight
Their lips meet
Hands wander
Imagination flow
Hearts ponder
To be Comfortable
Seats are changed
Buttons loose
Clothes rearranged
Passion starts
Hands walk free
Skin explored
Of he and she
Naked souls
Join as one
Heaven merge
Joys begun
With her thrusting hips
In vice like grip
Her loving want
In her he slips
In passion applause
His lava flows
Her warm insides
Outer body glows
Sweet sweetened mix
Perfumed skin
Warm with-drawl
Potions swim
Kisses in clench
This loving two
Soft caress
Sexed and fed
They head of home
Wondering about
Their next love roam

Want Wanting, Mmmm
playfully pert
Her Want
Provoking thoughts
Self satisfaction
For every action
The thoughts of her man
Runs through her mind
Her inner pleasure
She craves to find
Bed back bare
Adventurous hands
Exploring her heaven
Inducing glands
The play of her
In creative pant
Sensuous in solo
Reaching chant
She calls his name
In rhythmic writhe
Body so pert
Her Rose the prize
Undressed to Address
It started with a kiss
My cheeks and nape
Thoughts running wild
Manly drape
His torso structure
All muscled and strong
In his arms
Where I have always longed
His hands like velvet creepers
Encircling my skin
My longing for him
To be welcomed within
Our clothes now scattered
Flesh to flesh
Astride my darling
Sensuous zest
In me he loves
My pillar of man
To reach our joys
In slow motion
Gentle in touch
As we delight in move
Voices of groan
Love in the groove
Internal eruption
Fountain of joy
Quivering bodies
Stimulating enjoy
Sighs of two
Pleasured and blessed
Sharing their love
Undressed to address

Passion is her Word
Creative with passion
Hot and steamy
Artful in scribe
Realistically dreamy
Loving lines flow
Eternal bliss
Natures bonding
Everlasting kiss
Bared and ready
Infusioned hearts race
Romantic meeting
Determines the pace
" For Charlene Bird "
Their last Kiss
They shared a kiss
Though they were not allowed
Their passionate affair
In the public crowd
These days off old
Barred their charms
Society appalled
Always up in arms
Their destiny of love
Was sure to slow
Out of the public eye
It continued to grow
But one fateful night
They got carried away
Passion too open
In a public place
Skin showing
And the touch of lips
So much in love
Their very last slip
The loyal Magician
To the Queens throne
For this two lovers
Were turned to stone

Passion Conquers the Thrill
Captured and chained
A cellar, my home
Neck manacle
Hands free to roam
As she sits astride
Taking me in
Deepening feeling
Flesh to skin
In throws of thrust
She gorges my love
In this darkened room
Freedom above
Her spasmodic scream
Orgasmic outs
Her breasts excited
In pert like pout
My standing feeling
Signals release
Internal fountain
Love hungry feast
Our bodies mellow
As we wilt, unite
Passion conquers
The thrill