Brahan Seer " Coinneach Odhar "

Coinneach Odhar
The future in his sight
In the eye of his rounded stone
His visions became right
Predictions he made
On Seaforth lands
At Brahan Castle
In this Shire of grand
One day ships will sail round the back of Tomnahurich Hill

On the river Ness
Ships did sail
On it's natural channel
It's ancient trail
At the back of the hill
Runs the Caledonian Canal
Thomas Telford built
Through Inverness local
Fairburn Tower

Mackenzie's of Fairburn will loose their riches
A cow will calf, in their castle of slum
His four prophecies, three came true
Which brought down the mighty ones
In 1851, with the tower in ruin
In it's garret, hay was strewn
A cow gave birth, it's calf was born
Many years before, this clan in warn
The Deaf Caberfeidh

Lands to be lost
Family extinct
When one of the four go deaf
No more family link
Three ailments and the deafened one
Lord Seaforth's last surviving son
In 1814 he died
Casting their gifted lands aside
The bridges over the River Ness

When five bridges cross the Ness
There would be worldwide chaos
In 1939 the fifth was built
Germany invaded Poland, powers would tilt
When nine bridges cross the Ness
Fire, blood and calamity he stressed
In 1987 the ninth bridge was built
Piper Alpha blew, many lives did wilt
Ninian Central Platform

A one legged giant, breathing fire so high
Linked with Nigg, as it burned the sky
The Ninian Central platform, mono-pod for oil
Another prediction, for his prophecy toil
Built in Kishorn, which is on the West
It sits of Nigg
In the North Sea's oil fest
Bonar Bridge swept away

Over the Kyle of Sutherland
A bridge will be swept by a flood
As a flock of sheep cross
Drowned in their mud and blood
On January the 9th, 1892
Swept away by the flood
Another prediction so true
They likened the foam
To a densely packed flock of sheep
As the bridge collapsed into the deep
The demise of this Seer
Which led to his death
He predicted Lord Seaforth
With his Paris wench
Her husband cast

In a scandalous light
Which heaped embarrassment on her
And their reputation in slight
Lady Seaforth
On the command of her
To Chanonry Point
In a spiked barrel with tar
In barbaric fashion
He was set alight
The death of this Seer
No more predictions that night
The Seer remains a part of Scottish History,
although no written documents exist of his prophecies.
although no written documents exist of his prophecies.
Valkyrie Three

This female three
Of Norse myth
Bring their chosen ones
To be with
The fallen ones
In the afterlife hall of the slain
Where in Valhalla
They will remain
These daughters of royalty
With their ravens so black
To be with their warriors
Who can't go back
These einherjar
Bravely, in battle died
Where they feast on the Saehrimnir
Viking pride
Herja, Svipul
Herfjotor, the three
Attested to
Norse Mythology
The chooser of the slain
These Valkyrie select
To live with the gods
Ultimate elect
As they enter the hall
Beside Odin and Thor
Baldr, Bragi
And Dellingr
Not to become gods
But in Norse afterlife
To die by the sword
In battle strife
The Witch of Endor
Summoned to appear
Ghost of prophet Samuel
She, necromancer
The Marsi
An ancient people
Who aided Rome in its wars
Denied of respect
History tells us
Rome never triumphed over them
Or even without them
Cast into the Tiber
Twins, the sons of Mars
Romulus and Remus are
The founders of Rome