A Spider I Dream
Woke up from the dream
I had last night
From 6' 2" to a spiders height
Stuck in the bath with polished sides
Tried to climb, all I could do was too slide
Where do I go what do I do now
I'm so small I can hardly shout
What do I say, hey it's me down here
Any females that walk in, will they fear?
Not the dreaded punishment that's awaits our fall
Squashed flat, newspaper and all
Down the drain in a torrent of fear
As she screams, oh please don't come near
Thank the lord it was only a dream
A 6' 2" spider now that's a theme
A Spiders Revenge
Looking up at the light
As I am now down in the drain
Being cosy and warm
It's not quite the same
I'm in a channel floating on my back
Something brown brushed me
" Yuchers " what was that!!
It's so dark I couldn't see
An uneaten sandwich
Och, now I'm hungry
It seems I've gone miles
In the darkness and smell
If it was not for the dream
Life would be real swell
Floating under houses
I've gone under streets
Brights eyes in the dark
Blimey, I hope we don't meet
It's seem like I,ve come to another end
I pity these spiders
Who are washed round the bend
Hey! up ahead I see dry land
I feel cunning now, have to think of a plan
I need to navigate, and use my nose
But down in these drains
It's suffered some blows
I reach the point where I climb the wall
With two little legs, I'm sure to fall
I laugh because they can't climb the bath
I'm struggling with, their basic path
It's grimy, slippy, smelly and sticky
This aroma of us, is very sickly
So to all you spiders, who are washed down the drain
I can understand, why life's never the same
6ft 2 The Road Home Final Act to The Spiders Revenge
In this stench filled sewer
Some cotton flows by
Will it hold my strength
I will have to try
Loops tied as i throw my rope
To latch a spike, is my only hope
Slowly i climb, towards the noise i hear
As the light of the sun lures me near
Storm drain opening, as i crawl on my knees
Golly, i hope there's no bugs bigger than me
Where once i was tall, not any more
The journey ahead, back to my front door
Got to grasp my bearings, check where i am
Who would have thought of the day
To be knocked down by a pram
Door steps are high, coke cans like huge barrels
From 6' 2" to a spider's height, i have no quarrels
When i was so big, i used to look to the ground
How some thing so small, was safe to move around
To appreciate little micro's on our lovely earth
No matter the size, they are all worth
A strange phenomenon as i nearer home
I'm getting taller, looking down on a gnome
This experience of me, a human so lost
To treat others fairly, no matter the cost
I don't mean in a Homosapian way
We are all natures creatures, every day
As i turn the last corner, i glimpse my kids play
I was not gone for long, in fact less than a day
So all you nice spiders who fall in the bath
If us humans are kinder, in our hands we grasp
To release you in safety, in the garden or shed
You are important to us, not to leave you dead

The Vampire's Meal
Bite Nite
Blood Flood
My entry in Donna's " Footle Fright " contest

Translucent Soothers
There once was a man from the isles
Who suffered from terrible piles.
He searched hard for a cure
For his terrible endure
A bucket of ice, has sure made him smile
Through the Looking Glass
I spied a wonderful blond on the beach
Her body so shapely and peached
I was in ogling mood
I know it was rude
Through binoculars, so far out of reach
The Brave Buccaneer
There was once a buccaneer
They say he sailed the seas with fear.
Of his stories told
Of his bravery so bold,
For he went nowhere, for he could not steer.
Beach Beauty
My eyes nearly popped out of my head
On the beach she was tanned and spread
Then a shadow appeared
Oops, her husband i feared
I'm now looking at steaks instead