The Girl who became Queen
Long ago
In a far away land
With stags in the glens
Salmon leaping so grand
This ancient Kingdom
With its lonely King
Longs for a maiden
To make his heart ring
No crusades
No battles no wars
His reason-ability
What do we want to fight for
The only war he faces
Is raging in his heart
To seek his chosen maiden
For his life to start
With his entourage they travel
To tour his Kingdom so
Through heather bloomed glens
Over mountains graced with snow
Many miles they have travelled
All in need of rest
Up ahead in the distance
A manse house, we're timely blessed
On the door his footman knocks
As it opens with a creak
What can I do for you
Bow, its your King your about to greet
They settle down for supper
Roast hog and venison pie
The King enjoying their welcome
Twas not the food that caught his eye
The Laird of this estate
Had two daughters, lovely named
Carolyn and Lorna
Blond haired and red head flamed
The one that made him smile
Was the way she looked at him
This blond haired gorgeous beauty
All curvy shaped and thin
With the politeness of a King
Would you like to walk with me
As they strolled around her garden
Talking of all that they could see
They talked of ancient mariners
The roamers of the seas
Adventurers, they would seek
To show new worlds to see
En captured by her knowledge
Her smile, long blond hair
Is it the politeness of a King
To be in awe and sit and stare
They head back to the manse
To retire for the night
Both lying awake in thought
Something here, clicked tonight
Now many months have passed
Visitations to and fro
The King to her dads estate
This blond to his castle so
Then on one sunny day
As they rode through his Kingdom's glens
Enjoying this place of beauty
In his cloak, some thing full of gems
In the presence of his lands
The King goes on one knee
My dear darling Carolyn
Will you marry me
Yes my darling King
I will marry you
Today we are engaged
Tomorrow, this precious join of two
They head back to his castle
Through his glens and rivers of blue
For on their day of marriage
The Kings heart at peace and true

Folk lore tells us that
Lycanthropy is
To be wolf like, and
To assume the magical
Ability to change
Two Humans Left
federation have sent me
New planets I must find
To broaden our
Life of a different kind
Some where in this quadrant
radar blip prompts me
Warp to the contact
Await and we shall
Destination reached
As I view this world
receivers pick up
Signals, two I heard
One from a place called
One from a place called France
To hear the sound of
Keeps me entranced
My computers confirm the above
hand held detected so
To listen to their language
To see what
tells me so
A broken mix of two
With a similar strain
Do I
detect a difference
Humans going against their grain
invites the other
The other not so keen
One is rhyming
Calling the other mean
What's the reason for
Computers can you tell
It seems to be the trait of one
tell the other to go to hell
There seems to be more
Signals coming through
It's a man and a woman
I pray
they have virtues too
In my travel capsule
I speed down to
their lands
Invite them to a meeting
And possibly shake hands
this does not work
What I am to do
Head back to my
Hey guys it's up to you

Horse of the Horn
Primarily white
Inspirational Unicorn
Broken Heart Menders
There is a little garden
Where ickle cherubs stay
They are hearts little menders
Under natures scented bouquet
Red threads they pull and spin
From the cotton tree behind
To mend our broken hearts
Their sewing so intertwined
They sit and sew and sew
To mend our broken hearts
As they bring two halves together
And wonder why they part
They have heard so many stories
As to why they drifted so
But these ickle little cherubs
Just sit and sew and sew
There is a little garden
Where broken hearts are mended
So if your heart gets broken
These cherubs will re-mend it
The Count of Black
Cloaked Count
In death stare
Another disciple he carries
To his darkened lair
In immaculate dress
Of black and red
Swept dark hair
The look of dread
Blond girl
On her way to the night
Her next rise
A deathly site
The full moon looks down
Gargoyles gaze
From haunted structures
As the night angels graze
As we live through the night
And pray for the day
The disciples of he
Will fade to grey

The Sisters Playground
The clouds descend
On this moonlit night
The greying stones
A deathly sight
Like a banshee's wail
From below the ground
Echo of evil
Dark shivering sound
The cry of a man
In pleading pain
Begging for release
In life's domain
An oak door flies open
A shadow runs
Screaming in horror
From the Banshee ones
Up the steps he races
Under full moon glow
His heart racing
Blood in flow
A presence appears
At the dark oak door
Sisters of the night
Bloodied amour
Saliva in red
Droplets of life
Quenched from their victim
Escaping this strife
The dawn nears
Quiet echoing sounds
For the man who escaped
The sisters playground

Chimera monster
Beast of many animals fused
Not in natures world
Quileute Legends
A pact has been made
No feasting on human blood
The Cullen's behave