When Ravens Fly
It was on the eve of Sunday, November 2nd, 1834
The day grew dark and gloomy like it never had before
Island sounds in diminish, a hush befalls my ears
The community of Amhuinnsuidhe was about to enter fear
A Princess known as Raven who died in years gone by
Foretold before her death beware when Ravens fly
For out there in the Minch a mist will waft it's way
Azure skies will fade and turn a graphite grey
Periodic clouds of jet will shadow in drifts of gloom
The underbellies of the Ravens show, soon they'll share their doom
And on the tor she'll stand silently looking over her lands
Dressed in black, in her now greying ebony strands
As she turns to face the village, her Ravens circle overhead
Whilst the mist now starts to settle revealing the islands dead
Ancient burial stones now rise from their overgrown sacred grounds
Shadows from a forgotten past arise in ghostly abound
Cloaked darkened shapes slowly drift on their mists of time
Silent in their approach to Amhuinnsuidhe they'll undermine
Carnage will be their cater to avenge their Princesses death
To cast out all the living to leave this community reft
The above I read to you, are the memories of who survived
My ancestors escaped this day, and I'm thankful they never died
As I look out on the Minch, at grey clouds looming in the skies
My mind recalls words earlier read, beware when Ravens fly
Where Crows Never Caw
In demonic stare she sighs and writhes
Alluring like honey to take their lives
Attraction so dark, even crows never caw
This Gothic she, beyond the lights law
With out stretched arms invited they be
From the darkest light they come through the trees
The flutter of silk wings in crimsoned red
She pouts her face no fear she dreads
Her followers in accomplish, in taste of blood
Returning to she, now in redded flood
Angels of her dark in skeletal trees they stare
Where crows never caw, for they dare not dare
A new dawn now arises, as she quietly lays
Awaiting the return of the full moons display
Once again she'll sigh and writhe, in demonic stare
For she awaits the light, and the innocents share
From the Dark's Within
Dark gloomy clouds gather on this moonless night
The light a few hours earlier by now has taken flight
A chill fills the air where before it had been so mild
Now the darkness downs the sun no longer smiles
Beside an eerie copse I hear the sounds of a violin
A Gothic maiden she, summons from the dark's within
As the gloomy clouds disperse, black shadows dance
Winged angels of the dark are captured with her trance
From amidst the darkened forest, shapes begin to appear
The chosen from the light, for now their time is near
Hoards of silhouetted shadows descend from the night
Their victims in bloodied frenzy, their eyes pecked on sight
From the dark forest they came, they are never to return
The Gothic maidens tune, has lured their souls to burn
As the new dawns arises, clothes lie in scattered torn
Whilst the army of her dark, welcomes her newly born