When You're Gone
The day you left
To go to war
As you turned to me
In trenches deep
Entrenched in love
Please return
My loving dove
Battles fought
Heard on the news
Platoons hit
Whom did we loose
No telegram
Like World War Two
Staff car, knock knock
It can't be you
Sit down Mrs Fraser
We have to say
Cpl Fraser was wounded
From shrapnel fired from an R.P.G.
We are sad to inform the loss of he
I sit in tears
Your photo in my hand
I feel alive
But oh so bland
Do I tell the kids, nothings wrong
When they ask
Will you be gone for long
With Him goes a Rose
It was only a few days
On their barren soil
Through a doorway he went
So many lives now spoiled
An explosive device
Plastic in design
Could never be detected
Now a life resigns
The regimental medic
Rushes to his aid
To stem his bleeding
Through his eyes he fades
His lifeless soul lies lonely
As he is gently stretchered away
Where he will be flown back home
To where the angels play
In honoured ceremony
As he is carried to his carriage
On the tarmac awaits
His fiance, without marriage
In the chapel of rest
She stands in a tear laden pose
Her tribute to her lost one
With him goes a Rose
For tomorrow she will awake
A new day in her life
As she remembers her love
Who would have made her his wife
Another Day Passes
Another day passes
Another day he is gone
Taken from his loved ones
From the place where he belonged
He should be at their side
With his kids and his wife
Another casualty of war
The waste of another life
In front of his marble headstone
The grass wetted by her tears
She lies down saying i miss you
And i will love you for all my years
Our twins will always remember you
For i will tell them every day
Your words they will never hear
But i will say to them, what you would say
Look after your mother
And you mother will look after you
For i will be looking down
Through clouds and skies of blue
Always be there for her
And she will be there for you
Family love will be your bond
In future years it will see you through
Many days have passed
Our twins have grown with pride
We all miss you so much my darling
For you were always by our sides
Another lost soul
Another statistic home
Another dog tag
Holding Back His Tears
Holding back his tears
In front of him, a soldier kneels
As the mourners look on saddened
Inside the little boy feels
To grow up without his father
As he grows up without his friend
To play ball with him in the park
When he needs him, so much to depend
To be there through out his school life
To make him oh so proud
But not to be there when he graduates
Clapping and shouting out loud
To be there when he gets married
Be a grandfather to his kids
At his fathers funeral he attends
His life in battle rid
In front the soldier kneels
Holding the Stars and Stripes
Presenting it to the little boy
Holding back his tears, from his eyes
Her Love is Strong
After the aftermath
A love can be so strong
To nurse back to health
The receiver of that bomb
My darling husband James
In Helmond Province so
Walked through a doorway
And then that bomb did blow
He lay there stunned and bloodied
Attempting to get up and stand
But the bomb had done its damage
He was left two thirds of a man
He was flown home the next day
I couldn't wait to be by his side
He said he'd lost his legs
But he said it full of pride
He would rather it was he
Who crossed the doorway that day
Its the spirit of our soldiers
That makes them speak this way
Days and weeks pass
As his healing takes its time
Wheelchair bound is my darling James
But a man still in his prime
Many months have passed
As we get on with our lives
To me he's the guy i married
So proud to be his bride
A Ship, a Boat and the Wave
As i look from the shore
An incredible sight
A wave so long
Off tremendous height
Two vessels,
A ship, and a boat
While the ship sinks
The boat floats
Soon to be engulfed
By this awesome wave
With a mass like this
No one will be saved
For in the clouds
Warriors and sailors look down
To share their terror
Witnessing their drown
Time passes
Watery theatre calms
As hours before
Water masses slammed
Our powerful oceans
And formidable seas
Engulf more souls
Ignoring their pleas
To drift and decay
Roaming and beached
The might of our water mass
Will never be preached
As She Stands on the Shore
She stands on the shore
Dressed in black
Her head bowed
As the waters ebb back
For just offshore
She sees the bows of a ship
Where many have perished
On it's maiden trip
Built on the Clyde
To serve in the war
Never reaching the action
As the torpedo's tore
Off the Isle of Arran
She met her fate
The U-Boat attacked
Back through the nets she escaped
With it's cargo of munitions
In explosive boom
Her crew of new
Now in deathly tomb
For the lady in black
Who stands on the shore
Crying into the waves
With a husband no more
Don't Fear the Reaper
Black Angels search
As the world turns to grey
In soulless march
For their soulful prey
They congregate from places
Never heard of in many years
To wallow in their carnage
Spreading their demonic fears
Spirited from the underworld
The blackened depths of Hades
Diminishing the light above
Leaving earth in deathly shade
Skeletal marching soldiers
Empty of life and soul
Desperate to spread their black
As the brightness takes the toll
The worlds in need of saviour
A light to shine through soon
No longer can we rely
On our sun, or our moon
A journey must be made
To free us from this plight
A White Angel to be found
To turn this wrong to right
To Serbia heroes travel
Mileseva Monastery reached
As they stand in front of a fresco
An Angel beside Christ's feet
The mentioning of these words
Myrrh-bearers on Christs grave
The fresco starts to glow
Is this the light that saves
For the heroes standing there
Their bodies absorb the light
For in their hearts they know
They are the savours of our plight
Messengers now on their travel
Different journey's they partake
Don't fear the Reaper
For his light will re-awake

His Window by the Sea
Sitting by a window
That looks out on to the sea
Gray haired maestro plays
A violin so passionately
On his chair he sits
As he done for many years
For the sea that sits beside him
He plays instead of tears
He looks out to the waters
As to the reason why
The sea had taken his family
While fate had left him dry
For on that tragic day
To their island they would sail
A squall out of nowhere
High seas and forceful gales
Tossed from side to side
Battered by the waves
His daughter and two children
Distraught at who to save
An ageing man of 70
Weak from years of life
To be in this position
Trying to save so many lives
A large wave hits them
And throws him to the deck
Where upon he bangs his head
Unknowingly he broke his neck
He awakens in the hospital
Crying, for his family to be safe
Not knowing of their outcome
That they were taken by that wave
The years go passing by
But the memories of that day
As he gazes through the window
You can hear his violin play
A Lonely Man
He lives on his own
Far away from life
In a sheltered glen
Since he lost his wife
Nothing can replace
The previous years that he had
It was timeless and loving
He now lives alone and sad
Surrounded by emptiness
Just like his heart
His family is now nature
Life at sixty, his new start
In a run down bothy
On the Cairngorms, above Aviemore
The Scottish countryside consoles him
His heart now a lonely sore
Everyday when he awakes
He thinks of his dear wife
Out of the window he looks
Out there is his life
He lives of the land
The best he can
Sometimes he heads into town
A lost looking man
The years have passed by
He still lives on his own
His loss finally accepted
Into his lonliness, he has grown