This place called Talisker on the Isle of Skye
It just has to be visited to be seen by the naked eye
Situated on the West Coast, on one of Alba's isles
In any season one can only toast, taken in by smiles
For in the Spring it's surrounded by anew
Shoots reborn showing seasonal view
Lambs jumping, springing, on the various farms
With not a care in the world sharing their charms
Summer now abounds in blooms of various greens
Sparodic white houses stand out amongst the scenes
Birds in vocal song catching insects on the breeze
The sounds of children playing in fun filled please
Autumn slowly encroaches with the signs in the trees
Leaves in colour loss as the branches start to grieve
Carpets of many shades delight before their end
As we await the impending rains that natures due to send
There is now the chill of winter as all around starts to show
On the high ground her intentions, craggy peaks topped with snow
The day will soon be here with her virginal carpet lay
Whether Spring, Summer or Autumn, even Winter has her say

Renew on the Serengeti
The rains in fall on the Serengeti lands
It's impending approach is in natures plans
From barren to lush bringing droplets of pure
Seasonal they are, but will it remain her renewing cure
For we treat her lands so bad, so mean we don't console
Will we ever understand to our neglect that we extol
There will be a day, when these vast expanses turn to dust
And humans and their wants, will turn their iron into rust
We have to take a stand, before it's all to late
And sit around the mediating table before we reach hell's gate
Decisions for the good to be made for our futures kin
As the heads of State's shake hands, from this room within
Amidst Highland Glens
"without a care in the world the Grouse freely roam"
A quiet hush abounds amidst the scenic Highland Glens
Whilst saltire skies above silhouette a Golden Eagle against it's blue
Swooping shadowing heathers to return to soar above the Ben's
It's keen eyes in capture seeing movements amongst the mornings dew
For chicks it has to feed, from the heights down she flew
In quiet posture
Amongst the ruins of a croft
A Kestrel perches
Caressing the horizon
In awe, but so vigilant
On skeletal branches, crows a caw-
their safety in numbers allows
Wow! what a question, if I was an animal what would I be
Mm let me think, as I close my eyes to see
I see so many creatures, amidst jungles, deserts and prairies
Even fantasy as I blink, seeing unicorns and butterfly winged fairies
Then my reality kicks in, for I now see what I desire to be
Back to where we came from, like my ancestors who lived in the trees
Of all that parade on our planet, it's the chimp that I would most like to be
And be that clever ape, leading man to a better ancestry
Pinnacles of Pine
Evergreens abound
Horizons so beautiful
Pinnacles of pine
Kaleidoscopic Petals
Blooming pastel colours show
caressed by seasonal breeze
kaleidoscopic petals
dance to natures theme
Tranquility soothe
City skyline in richness
Above, natures wrath
On Brighton Beach
Tents of various colours in parade across the sands
It's summer time in Brighton as the sun beams down so grand
Families too many to mention, on blanketed abound
Whilst laughter resonates from the children all around
Even nature has her say as the waves caress the shore
Just like yesterday, and so many years before
Gliding terns and seagulls grace the thermal flow
As they anticipate the pickings that present them down below
Rock pools gather attraction, a learning call for the young
Explained by thoughtful parents, of how we all began
Sails of shapes and sizes appear against the blues
Boats and ships aplenty in sailing tacking cruise
My day now nears it's end, on this wonderful Brighton Beach
So many joys surround me, I'm so thankful their in my reach
The days of Summer are here
On this beautiful earth sphere
This season of shine
The beach we do pine
Our time to appear draws near
The day we have awaited has arrived
To the seaside we carefully drive
The kids and their daddy
Singing Showaddywaddy
The excitement in us now thrives
In adventure they play on the dunes
Through the reeds the breeze plays a tune
A symphony so grand
As I'm barefoot on the sands
On this glorious sunny afternoon
For these days of Summer cheer us all
As the sounds of happy kids en-thrall
Our day is now ended
As darkness has descended
My kids and I had a ball
Set in Stone
Petrology, geology, call it what you may
Minerals of many are around us every day
Igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic are the main
Their seams grace our planet, they are her veins
The next time you walk your streets, take a look around
For many rocks and stones, are everywhere to be found
Where would we be without them, many structures would never be here
If it wasn't for many millions of years, and this beautiful earthly sphere
She walked and talked in a world called theirs
Worries she had with her earthly cares
Found near Hadar, this specimen of old
A lady from our past, lying stone cold
She walked her lands amidst horses so small
In the Awash Valley where trees were so tall
Naked to bare, all her kin were the same
In a land so different, to she not strange
What would she be seeing if we could see through her eyes
Would there be hate and hurt and a typical despise
Maternal and loving we can only assume
In the valley where she lived, we have the same front room
And just as we, she was born to die
Evolutionary in exist, below the same blue skies
She walked and talked in a world called theirs
Worries she had with her different cares
This lady I talk of, Lucy we have named
From our past she existed, with a different fame
She was the oldest of us ever found
Lying stone cold on earths ancient ground